About Us
With an Enthralling Vision to hold the Horizon, the Vibrant Expedition of “HORIZON HOLDINGS”, set forth to sail since 2019 onwards.
We at Horizon Holdings, Dream at the Horizon, with Our Zeal of Zenith situated at Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu, India.
We hold Our Heart of Horizon Holdings for the Healthy Food Products. We are certainly Committed towards the Goal of Promoting Food Products to People with Determined Health Standards and Delicious Varied Tastes to Satisfy Each and Every One.
As India is a Country Unique in It’s Diverse Nature of Rich and Varied Cultures, Festivals, Languages, Rituals and Traditions, the Natural Food Varieties from Horizon Holdings stands as a Testimony to the Diverse Spectrum of varied Traditions across the length and breadth of the Indian Cultural Rainbow Comprising the Quantum of Varied Tastes that Linger in Our Minds and to Cherish in Our Memories for Long Long Years to Come.
We at Horizon Holdings are Wholeheartedly Committed towards Upliftment of Living Standards of the Indian Farmers at Large through the Increasing of their Agricultural Income and thus Assuring them with the Utmost Maximum Possible Earnings through Higher Prices for their Harvested Agricultural Commodities.
Horizon Holdings Holds the Socio-Economic Enhancement and Development of the Tribals of the Western Ghats and the North- East as the Mission in the Mind.
Horizon Holdings Persistently Engage in the Research and Developments of Innovative Products that Meets the Holistic Health Needs and to Entirely Explore the Possibilities to Equate the Eager Expectations of the Taste Buds of Each and Every One in Total.
Horizon Holdings is an Equal Opportunity Provider, Concentrating and including the Small Land Holding Farmers in the Country thereby Involve in Undertaking the Combined Cultivations of varied Organic and Natural Agricultural Produces.
Horizon Holdings Plans and Executes in the Enlarged Agricultural Areas to Work towards the Development of the Indigenous Farmers of Our Vast Nation. Horizon Holdings Assigns Itself the Assignment to Market the Farm and Forest Harvests through Collecting, Processing, Value adding for their Entire Agricultural Produces in the Entirety. With the Fair Trade Principles, We Believe in the Environmental Friendly Sustainable Agricultural Produces that are Socially Responsible and Pro-Farmer Planning and Value Added Manufacturing of the Agricultural Products.
Horizon Holdings Believes in the Necessity for the Environmental Caring and Safe-Guarding Agricultural Production Systems besides Promoting the Policies for Preserving the Entire Environment so that the Earth Continues to Flourish for the Future Generations to Come.